Marta Mauli

Mauli is a typical word from Maharashtra. The closest English word to it would be mother or enlighten person. However, this word is used to address mother, teacher, a friend, unknown passenger and everyone. It can be man or woman, old or young, senior or junior. Simply, a person who is like a mother.

She came from the office. I put my bags in vehicle and she dropped me at bus terminus. I put my bags in the bus. She gave me hug – twice and a kissed on right chick. I was so overwhelmed and was just to cry. I boarded a bus from Lisbon in Portugal to Madrid in Spain. Normally, I do not write during journey. But today, I want to write it without any further delay or without losing or diluting any fraction of those feelings.

To save money of hostel, I write requests to local people for accommodation on Couchsurfing website. I had written to more than 20 people in Lisbon requesting for a shelter. Only one person replied. The reply was only one line – Vishnudas, if you want you can stay with me. She was Marta.

I sent a standard positive reply with gratitude. Next morning, I wrote her suggesting to meet at restaurant, in case I got late then she can wait in the restaurant. However, there was no restaurant close by. So, she asked me to come to Metro Station and she will pick up me from there.

I sent my picture so she can identify me. She did not send a picture. She has no profile picture on WhatsApp or Cuchsurfing. I searched her on Facebook and she was not there. She is invisible person in digital world. She asked me to reach to a bus stop at 6pm. I went there. The bus stop was long and big. I was searching for Marta whom I had never seen.

After some time, I saw a lady was waiving her hand at me. She has medium height, oval face, pointed and long nose, short hair, major portion of hair shifted toward left side and few hair had engulfed her left eye. There was no facial make up, no nail painted. She had a simple and old T shirt and trousers. Cloth has no brand like Reboke or Nike. She has a big smile and white long teeth are visible. Her smile made me comfortable.

I went to her. I waited for her gesture, how she greets. She forwarded hand so did I. She helped me with one of my bags and we went to her car.

Her house was on the first floor. She showed me my bed – a couch which was in the hall. It was relatively big home, compare to Mumbai but small in Europe standard. At entrance is a kitchen, then a hall and dining room are in one line and next is master bedroom and bathroom.

All furniture in the house was a dining table four chairs, two racks and two glass containers to keep rose, a couch for guests, big bed for her and a table with painting – welcome home. No, air condition or TV or radio which are ‘necessity’ in western standards or even in developing world.

House was super clean, not a single spot on wall or floor or in kitchen. Ktichen table was white and super clean, not even finger prints of cleaner. Bathroom was also equally clean. I could not dare to trim my beard thinking I have no right to spoil such clean bathroom. I grew my beard.

First thing first, she shared wifi with me. Then we went to dinner in the near restaurant. She was my first European host or first person to meet. I was super conscious of my behaviour. After the dinner she insisted to pay the bill or half bill. I put a democratic argument saying that since I had invited her so I must pay the bill. She agreed at last.

Marta offered me the keys of the house but I politely refused saying that you have shown a big trust in me but I wish not to take responsibility of the key. I suggested that I will to come to home during her presence and leave with her. She said that she leaves house at 7am around but I can leave later. I insisted that my rule is I will be here during your presence only.

I was worried about getting up early, next morning. In Mexico, it was advised to get up late so that it will not disturb the morning sleep of others. And I was not well in Mexico so I got habit of getting up late, by 8 am around.

Next morning, she got up at 6.30 am and went to bathroom. The sound of water heater made me awake. I waited till she come out of bathroom. I took a shower and came out. I realised that I did not brush my teeth in hurry. I wanted go back to brush my teeth but she was getting late. I was feeling sleepy. She was ready at door and putting on her sports shoes.

I took my alpha bag which has all things which need for the day. I put my shoes. I was super sleepy. I went to her. I said to her, “Marta, may I have a request.”

She asked, “What is that?”

I said, “I got a shower but still sleepy, not awake. May I have a hug.”

I had habit of hug from the early childhood. My late grandmother used to hug me when my father used to shout at me. I was bad boy then so I had shouting of father and hug of grandma. I was staying away from parents. When I go home or leave, hug was there. In Latin America, hug is a greetings. My first hug in Latin America was to the President of Chile Ms Michelle Bachelete.

Marta was kind. She gave me a hug. She was very warm and kind. She had only of shampoo. No other spray or perfume. I wondered, how simple life this lady lives! She dropped me at the metro station. That evening, she picked up me from same station.

She might have google about me. She asked me what are my objectives? I said, “I have two objectives in Lisbon – to plant a tree with Environment Minister and touch Atlantic Ocean before I leave. And I want to burn a shirt which my favourite. I got attachment with that shirt.

She said, “Good luck with the first one.” I did not understand what is mean by that. Later the free walking tour guide told me the attitude of Portuguese officers, particularly old generation. Portugal had ruled Brazil, portion of Africa, India as they claim but small parts like Goa and some islands. And they have dictatorship till 1974. So, they still carry that ego and attitude till today. The tour guide made a general sentence. But his statement has a portion of truth in my experience.

Portugal population is 11 million like 1/3 of Mumbai city. It is a small nation. I went to Environment Ministry which is housed in an old palace. On the ground floor, there is one table and a chair for security guard cum receptionist. She did not allow me to meet secretary or Public Relation Officer. She asked me to call from outside when she has intercom phone and she will transfer my call. She gave me email. I told her I wrote email in last May. They have not replied yet. Well, I went to Ministry more than five times, I met security woman and come back.

Later Marta said that they do not meet common people. A day before I leave Marta asked me whether I had touched the Atlantic Ocean or not. I replied negative. She asked me to meet at another metro station after her work. She came much earlier than the scheduled time.Thankfully I was also early.

She gave me a ride on ‘Marine Drive’ of Lisbon. It is one of the best roads, here. Our plan was to touch was water of Atlantic Ocean, burn the shirt, take dinner and go to bed early.

She gave me dinner in a sea side open restaurant. We had risotto rice with mushrooms. It was already dark and I was yet to touch the water of Atlantic. We had discussion/debate and argument to pay the bill. At last she won with argument that – she will pay bill of 29 Euro and I should invest that amount for my future social project in India.

Then we went to a beach at late night to touch the water. It was low water so we walk long to reach water. I touched water. We did not have lighter to burn the shirt so we came back home. On the way, she took me to Vasco da Gama monument. We took some pictures for album. We know that we will not meet in near future.

I wanted to do hitchhiking. She told me that it is Portugal and those concepts are not welcome here. I said I must try. She said ok.

It was Saturday morning. Of course, after a long week, everyone wants to sleep till late on Saturday morning. She got up early to drop me out of Lisbon city, on the highway to Madrid. She gave me a hug and wished me luck.

I was waiting for the long time on the road. I was on the right road, on right time but no one stopped for me. Only one car stopped. They were labours who work on construction site. When they saw my bags, they refused saying that the boots is full. There is no space for bags.

There was a shop of animal fodder. One young boy came out from the shop and inquired about me. His name was Ricardo Serra, a law student. He offered me water and allowed to use bathroom. Later he gave me a sandwich. We were talking for long. Till lunch break there was no lift. Eventually, he said that he will drop me further from there lot of vehicles go to Spain. He gave me lift. I travelled total 70 km from Lisbon.

I was standing on the major highway holding a board name of my destination. People were watching at me from houses and car as if I am alien and had come from other planet. I waited till 4.30pm. It is not a good idea to wait further. I have to search place to sleep and eat. I decided to go back to city.

When Marta realised that I did not get lift and I am staying in the hostel. She was upset. She said that if you count me as a friend then you should give me an opportunity to help.

Next morning, it was Sunday. My objective was to buy bus ticket for Madrid. In early morning, I was yet to take a shower, Marta came to my hostel to pick up me. She had a family lunch at her house. She invited me for the same. The food was mostly meat. She cooked some vegetables and rice for me. I bought some milk cream and strawberry to make a desert.

All her family had gathered for the lunch. There were lot of laughter and leg pulling and jokes. Since it was in Portuguese I could not understand it fully. After the lunch, I helped to clean the kitchen.

Oh, the stay we not all goody goody. We fought too. We fought like siblings. There were arguments and counter arguments. For example, I wanted to pay the bill or clean the house and she wanted too. I said, ‘Marta, India and Portugal both are democratic country. How is if we discuss it democratic way and bring the consensus solution.’

She put her argument. I said, ‘I am not convinced and my argument’. She won few and I won few arguments. And we have a strong difference of opinion. I thought she is super upset with me. She thought similar way. Later she said that she was not upset but worried for me. When I read her text messages, the words are soft, kind and generous in arguments too. I was not equally kind. May be woman are more kind than men.

I was surprised with her philosophy of life. She lives very simple life. We had discussion on how much we need to live? Do we really need branded articles? Do I need two bags load things to travel? Her thoughts are far far away from the European modern society.

I stayed with her a week and I felt at home. Thank you very much Marta for your kind hospitality, affection, food, caring and time. I highly appreciate it. Now, I reached Madrid, Spain.

One thought on “Marta Mauli

  1. Hi Vishnudas, simply amazed by your adventourous world tour. Here in india we think for so long when travelling a small distance and here u in an alien country did it so wonderfully. I would be excited to meet you as Im in Thane. Please let me know ur contact no. and convenient time to meet


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